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A star was born – Well, not exactly…

Hi there friends and fellow adventurers alike, I have the absolute and utmost pleasure in welcoming you to – my brand new platform for provisioning material components to you, the lovely world-wide tabletop community.

Some of you may know me from e-commerce sites. But I am going to try mainly focus on this from now on as a place for my products to be seen and pass to needy Gamers fingers whenever they can. It will be a lot of work to put all of my stock and new stock here, but this is my passion and I am blessed to say, job – so I will do it as fast as possible.

I will continue trying my best to fulfil all orders with the most care and attention possible, giving each of you the best I can achieve. My biggest concern is this: the inability for users to make offers on items may cause a knee jerk reaction to my pricing, but please see below for contact details, I’m not unreasonable and will consider offers.

So anyway – Welcome and Happy shopping, or if you just want to browse I am absolutely fine with that.

For any questions and queries please use the “Contact” section or send a message to me on Facebook on my page or use the email address to reach me.

Thank you again for taking your time out to look and being the best community in the many planes!

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