
Hi, I’m Raf and I am the Paper Gamer, I love role-playing games and I assume you do too, pleased to meet you fellow adventurer, feel free to stay a while and peruse my wares.

Paper Gamer is an individually run, online only – Gaming retailer. I specialise in Tabletop RPG’s, especially those long out of print, but occasionally find newer content, video games, consoles and the like. However the latter I will usually place on my Ebay Shop along with most of the core rulebooks.

I am always open to suggestions, and am very willing to help you – so please if you have any queries or feedback use the contact form or the email address on the bottom of the page to get in touch.

Below is a neat little game to while away some time if you stumble across this page, enjoy 🙂

Click to Play, Arrow Keys to Duck / Jump!