Player’s Secrets of Talinie (Birthright) – Sourcebook


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Product details:

TSR 3109 1995

ISBN 0-7369-0255-8

by Allen Varney

This Copy:

1995, small-moderate split to shrink bottom right corner, price sticker on shrink near barcode (rear). light surface marking to shrink.

From the volume: 

To the casual observer, the realm of Talinie seems a pastoral place full of hard-working, law abiding citizens. But those who look beneath the surface—as a regent must-will see what lies
beneath the beauty. From the south, a power-hungry archduke has moved troops into two of Talinie’s seven provinces, supposedly as a safeguard against goblin invasion. From the north, greedy guildmasters have encroached upon Talinie’s lush forests and have ravaged large areas for the timber and ores they yield.
To keep yourself on the throne known as the Oak Seat, you must control these foreign interests without giving them reason to rise up against you, and at the same time beware of traitors within your own court-it is whispered that the death of your predecessor was not really an accident.
This package includes: * A full-color, eight-page foldout cover containing detailed maps of the domain and other
information every Talinien needs.
* Facts about the realm’s history, geography, economy, and laws.
* Descriptions of the major NPCs in Talinie, friend and foe alike.
* Secrets and strategy tips to help the new regent manage the realm.

This BIRTHRIGHT domain sourcebook is designed for players who want to take the role of Thane of the realm, playing either a lawful priest or a paladin. Players of nonregent characters who live in or come from Talinie will also find this sourcebook useful.

Additional information

Weight 0.5 kg
Dimensions 29.7 × 22 × 1 cm





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